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Congresso Internazionale di medicina Antiaging di Montecarlo(Aprile 2016)

Groprotection and Chronofasting:a question of time
Circadian clocks that comprise clock genes exist throughout the body and control daily physiological events. The central clock that dominates activity rhythms is entrained by light/dark cycles, whereas peripheral clocks regulating local metabolic rhythms are determined by feeding/fasting cycles. Nutrients reset peripheral circadian clocks and the local clock genes control downstream metabolic processes. Metabolic states also affect the clockworks in feedback manners.The circadian clock machinery orchestrates organism metabolism to ensure that development, survival, and reproduction are attuned to diurnal environmental variations. For unknown reasons, there is a decline in circadian rhythms with age, concomitant with declines in the overall metabolic tissue homeostasis and changes in the feeding behavior of aged organisms. This disruption of the relationship between the clock and the nutrient-sensing networks might underlie age-related diseases; overall, greater knowledge of the molecular mediators of and variations in clock networks during lifespan may shed light on the aging process and how it may be delayed. In this review we address the complex links between the circadian clock, metabolic (dys)functions, and aging.Resetting the circadian clock leads to well being and increased life span, whereas clock disruption is associated with aging and morbidity. Increased longevity and improved health can be achieved by different life style interventions(feeding regimens,scheduled exercises and sleep) and a personalized treatment with chronogeroprotectors like metformin and polyphenols that reset circadian rhythms and may lead to better synchrony in metabolism and physiology. This lecture focuses on recent findings concerning the relationships between circadian rhythms, aging attenuation, and life-span extension in mammals.
10 Aprile 2016